The Sires
Jackpot was born on 9/28/22. I had been on the lookout for a second stud for my program for a few years when I saw the most gorgeous photo come across my screen-a puppy photo of Jackpot! I knew right then I had to look more into adding him to our family. After some research of his breeder and his lineage we decided he would be a perfect addition to our program. A few months later he arrived in the U.S . from Serbia and it was love at first sight. We have enjoyed every second with him and cannot wait to see the puppies he produces with our girls. Jackpot is extremely affectionate but also very opinionated. He loves belly rubs, playing tug of war and riding in the vehicle! He is clear of dm, sod1b and vwd1.
Moose was born October 12, 2019. He weighs 115 lbs and is by far the sweetest dog we have ever owned. He is a big teddy bear and loves everyone. Moose comes to us from Poland. We had him flown to the the US when he was just a puppy. He is very patient and kind with all the females and puppies. Moose has the short and stocky European build. He has an excellent Penn Hipp and is clear of DM, SOD1B and VWD1.
Moose's favorite treat is anything bacon or liver flavor and he LOVES squeaky stuffed toys and bones. His favorite things are be loved on, go on walks and be brushed. He is one of a kind and we are blessed that he's ours.
Moose has dual champion bloodlines in Europe. His father (Owen Rickenwind) is the Switzerland champion and his mother (Jolly Tasmanska) is the Poland Junior Champion.
The Dams
Elsa was born on 1.11.2020. She came to us as the perfect Christmas gift on Christmas Eve 2021 from a breeder who had decided to retire her breeding program. She is such a sweet girl. She has a very gentle temperament and is eager to please. She loves kids and is a very patient girl. Elsa has the short and stocky European build. Elsa has been Pen-Hipp tested and her OFA elbow testing is done with no signs of dysplasia in elbows or hips. She has also been genetic tested. Elsa has a very thick, beautiful wooly coat.
Belle came to us from Belarus as a 3 month old puppy. Her markings are just amazing. We were searching for a smaller girl for our program-Belle was perfect and fits right in. We call Belle our farm girl-she loves riding in the gator and loves playing in the mud, creeks, and ponds. Belle is not afraid of water and is a great swimmer.
Belle is our most affectionate Berner. She loves to go on walks, go to her favorite store (Tractor Supply) and be loved on. Belle is extremely smart and learns quickly. Belle is 65 lbs. She is Penn hip tested, OFA tested for heart, hips and elbows and clear for vwd1 and both dm's. Belle is in the top 5% for hips in Berners.
Kira is such a special girl. She was born in Russia on 11/11/20. We were on the wait list for her breeder for a long time and were so excited when she called to let us know she had the perfect puppy for us! We picked her up in New York City when she was 16 weeks old.
Kira is a big girl -112 lbs at 18 months old! She's all we dreamed of plus more! We call her our comedian-she is such a funny girl and loves to play and wrestle. She has an amazing temperment-she is playful but laid-back. She loves to be with her people. Some of her favorite things are belly rubs, swimming & wrestling with her best bud Roxy (Maddie & Moose's daughter) Kira is LOUD-She is a talker and she lets us know when she isn't happy about something.
Roxy is the daughter of Maddie and Moose. She was born into my program on 3.18.21 and I knew immediately we were going to keep her. Her temperament is just amazing-very loving and gentle. Her markings are beautiful with the white blaze across her face. She is a perfect mix of mom and dad!
Maddie was our first Bernese Mountain Dog. I have always wanted a BMD and Jason surprised me with her in Christmas 2017. We got her from a breeder in Oklahoma. We fell head over heels in love with her. I have always dreamed of being a breeder but never thought it would be a possibility with our busy lives. When Maddie was 3 years old I decided I wanted to look more into breeding so we made an appointment to speak with a reproductive vet. After a year of thinking it over and researching and talking with a few Bernese breeders, we decided we wanted to go for it and had her genetic and health tested. She has excellent Penn-hip and normal OFA elbows. She is clear of DM, SOD1B clear as well as VWD1 clear. She weighs 82lbs. She is so sweet and has an amazing temperament. Her favorite treat is peanut butter. Her favorite things to do are ride in the truck, play in the ponds and creeks and lay on the couch with her favorite person (Jason)
Maddie is 82 lbs, 25" at withers-she has a more athletic build. Her coat is thick with straight hair. She is a VERY athletic girl.